Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Better Every Day

Sometimes when you are on automatic pilot and you go through life, you miss the tiny details which can have an impact on the bigger picture.  Sometimes your story line of your plot plot changes.  Reflecting on how I manage to deal with my stuff, I will admit, occasionally through procrastination, stress eating, indecisiveness and giving in to some negative thinking.

Every day life presents certain struggles, like losing your keys, going grocery shopping, again; work, family time, household chores, laundry, laundry, laundry and even working out.

I am all too familiar with meltdowns.  I am raising a daughter with a major disability and when things get too overwhelming and frustrating, its like a tea pot whistling, you know the water is simmering then it comes to a rolling boil, and then it happens.  I realize that life is for a very long time.  And even though I'm a little more than at the halfway point of my story, I am still determined to have many awesome, fulfilling and exciting years ahead.  That is why I am a true believer in being a change agent to help others realize their true potential through inspiring, motivating and helping others craft a healthy foundation.  Once your "infrastructure" is laid, you can begin to build upon.  When you feel your structure getting weak, you then have a choice.  You can succumb to it, or you can throw in the towel and give up.  Its easier right?

But, if you're like me, then you will agree its important to stay focused and positive, forgive yourself, and find determination to push forward.  Each day is a chance to become the best version of yourself!

It is your mindset and the very thing you BELIEVE that dictates your actions.  Getting your mind right is the first order of business. Take out a piece of paper and start writing out your goals.  What do you want for this year?  Getting back to basics and focusing on little details like exercising, portion control, making healthy food choices, fitting in at least 30 minutes of movement, getting to sleep earlier are all ways to promote a healthy lifestyle.  When you think healthy, you eat healthy and when you eat healthy, you think healthy.  It has a domino effect.
No matter what you do, no matter how many times you mess up and think to yourself, "there's no point to carry on" no matter how many people tell you that you can't do it -- keep going.  Don't quit.  Don't quit because a month from now you will be that much closer to your goal than you were now.  Yesterday you said tomorrow, so make today and every day count.

I'd love to hear your feedback.  Do you agree?  How do you get through your ups & downs?  If you want an extra layer of support, I'd love to add you to my daily fitness & nutrition accountability group https://www.facebook.com/groups/147417735425442/

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