Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mike Paulercio gives recap of ASYLUM workouts

I wanted to give you a recap of my husband's first impressions of ASYLUM. Even though this was documented 5 years ago, this workout can help you maximize your skills within 30 days. This program helps you build speed, coordination, agility and power.

We received the package on Thursday and watched all the DVD's before performing any of the workouts.

Although they all look intense, they're  definitely designed for more a sports-minded individual looking to improve their game, rather than than the fitness buff.  At 6'1" and having to use that ladder, more space is required than INSANITY.

The ladder constantly has to be reset almost every time you accidentally hit it.  The moves are not as dynamic as any of the INSANITY exercises.  However, it seems like a nice change.

The ASYLUM music doesn't seem to motivate you as it did in INSANITY.  You would be completely exhausted during INSANITY and then a change in the tempo of the music would get you right back in it again.  ASYLUM may seem more productive after I get more familiar with the moves.  I need to clear out more space in my workout area; however, I felt my space was more than enough for INSANITY.

Once again, the ladder becomes an issue with its constant movement.  When you step on the ladder instead of the space provided by the ladder and jump off of it, the ladder can shift as much as 8".  This bend in the ladder needs to be addressed immediately in order to perform the exercises correctly.  You either have to hit pause, or just reset it while the routine is still going on and then try to get back in the game.

Last night I did Speed & Agility.  I was completely drenched 6 minutes into the workout.  At the end of the workout, I didn't feel like I normally do in comparison to when I've done Pure Cardio or Max Interval Circuit.  

Here are his Day 1 fit test numbers:
Heisman's 8, In and Out 25, Pullup/Pushup 18, Switch Heel 70, Shoulder Taps 5, X Jumps 25, Moving Pushups 5, Agility 9, Bear Crawl 6.  He is committed for the next 30 days.  Stay tuned for his thoughts on Strength coming up later on today!  Recap tomorrow!

For more info, please visit

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